Fiction Book Club

The Magic All Around

Jennifer Moorman


The Russell women have always lived in a house that is as special as they are—a century-old Victorian with a radio that tunes itself to the listener's mood and a pantry that rearranges to provide just the right ingredients for any baking need. Lilith Russell was the exception. She left the family home in Ivy Ridge, Georgia, and has been flitting like a hummingbird from place to place with her daughter, Mattie, in the decades since, only returning each summer to drop Mattie off with Lilith's sister, Penelope.

When Lilith dies suddenly, Mattie is left without her sole companion and the captain who steered her ship. That is, until she visits Ivy Ridge and learns Lilith charted one last course for Mattie: a series of tasks that she must complete to earn her inheritance, with Penelope overseeing the process.

Both Mattie and Penelope are outraged by Lilith's seemingly random stipulations: throw a Halloween party, take a local pizza cooking class, share secrets with someone... But Mattie soon realizes that if she completes the tasks, she may unearth her mother's secrets, including the identity of Mattie's father. She may also discover more about the Russell family gifts and why Lilith chose Penelope's former love to be the executor of the will. She may even learn how and why Jonathan Carlisle, the boy who stole her heart ten summers ago, also happens to be back in town.

Mattie can only hope that Lilith's final map will finally point her home.

Jennifer MoormanABOUT THE AUTHOR: 

Jennifer Moorman writes enchanting novels inspired by the everyday magic and whimsy in the world around her. She is the bestselling author of the magical realism Mystic Water Series, The Baker's Man, and The Magic All Around.

Born and raised in southern Georgia, Jennifer has a deep love for nature, a fondness for honeysuckle, and childhood memories of whippoorwills singing her to sleep. She is a foodie, a self-taught baker, and has a travel bag ready for her next adventure. She can always be won over with chocolate, unicorns, or rainbows.

When she's not writing, you can find her testing a new recipe, chasing rainbows, or stargazing. She lives in a magic house in Nashville, Tennessee.

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