Teen Book Club

At the End of the World

Nadia Mikail


When the world is ending, what matters most to you?

Seventeen-year-old Aisha hasn't seen her sister June for two years. She has no idea where she is, but that hasn't stopped her from thinking about her every day and hoping she's okay.

But now that a calamity is about to end the world in nine months' time, she and her mother decide that it's time to track her down and mend the hurts of the past. They don't have any time to spare - if they don't resolve their issues now, they never will.

Along with Aisha's boyfriend Walter and his parents (and a stray cat named Fleabag), the group embarks on a road trip through Malaysia in a wildly decorated campervan to put the past to rest, to come to terms with the present, and to hope for the future, even with the world about to end.


Nadia Mikail studies law in London. She is also a full-time houseplant owner and a part-time investigative journalist of what London's pigeons are planning when they flock together like that. She is mostly unsuccessful at (but still hopeful about) both these occupations. She is from Sarawak in Malaysia, where the air is always sweeter, the food is always tastier, and the pigeons are considerably less bold. The Cats We Meet Along The Way is her first novel.

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